Albert Tusk products are sold online at limited availability. We always attempt to display our items as accurately as possible and offer a detailed description of all goods being sold. However, because we rely on hand-finished artistry wherever possible, there will occasionally be the slightest variation in color, size and shape. We believe that any natural material imperfection is beautiful.

Having said that, we know that buying online isn’t always easy. Products arrive late; or sometimes you decide they’re just not right for you. We get it because we are online consumers ourselves. Which is why we have structured a return and exchange policy that we believe is transparent and fair.


If you change your mind or in the rare instance are dissatisfied with your purchase, you have 30 days from the receipt of your order to return items unused, undamaged and in the original packaging. 

Please contact us at within 7 days of receiving your order to initiate the return. Customers are responsible for the shipping cost of the return, and the product must be couriered to the following address:

Albert Tusk
902, A Wing, Our Lady of Vailankani Building
Marinagar Colony, Mahim West
400016, Mumbai, India
Once your return is received and inspected, we will notify you if your refund request has been approved. If your refund is approved the amount will be processed the same day and should reflect into your account within 2-4 business days. The following fees will be deducted on all refunds:

  • Domestic Orders: fixed fee of INR 200 for packaging & handling plus 7.5% of invoice value to account for shipping and bank/payment processing fee.
  • International Order: fixed fee of INR 200 for packaging & handling plus 2.5% of invoice value to account for bank/payment processing fee. Shipping fee is non-refundable.

  • Your refund will be processed back into the card utilized for the original payment. 

    Products that arrive with obvious wear/consumer damage to them will be rejected for a refund. The product can then be sent back to the customer, but a shipping fee and an INR 200 administrative fee will be charged.


    We are unable to exchange items unless they are defective or damaged. Send us an email with product images at within 48 hours of receipt to initiate an exchange process. If your claim is approved, Albert Tusk will take complete responsibility for the exchange. However, please allow us time to get your exchanged item to you.


    It’s been two months since I received my messenger bag, but don’t feel like it’s right for me. It’s still unused. May I return it?

    That’s terrible luck. Our return and exchange policy stipulates a 30-day period from the receipt of the product. However, we are quite confident that you’ll change your mind about the bag and start enjoying it.

    I’m saving up to buy a car. Couldn’t you take care of the shipping costs of a return for me?

    Sorry, all shipping costs are non-refundable, and any returns are on you. However, the good news is that if we approve an exchange owing to item defect or damage, we take care of the shipping costs of you sending it back to us as well as the new exchange item. We’re not all bad. 

    I shipped my item to you for a refund, but I’ve been told the item never reached. What do I do if my return is lost?

    Sadly, in that case, there’s little we can do. Albert Tusk is not responsible for lost packages. We recommend using a traceable shipping method to help prevent this and/or insuring your package for an additional fee. We cannot guarantee that we will receive your returned item.

    A strap on my fairly-new tote bag appears to have frayed. Would you repair it for me?

    Has your pup had a go at it? If the tear were a production defect and not a case of canine abuse, we’d have been happy to take care of an exchange for you. However, any order that arrives damaged must be reported within 48 hours of receipt.

    I was approved for an exchange. However, it’s been four weeks and there’s no signs of my new duffle. Did my postman make away with it?

    We doubt it. Our products are designed and manufactured in India. Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchange to reach you will vary. Someone living in Toronto might have to wait slightly longer than a customer in Dubai.